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Investment Strategy

Locate and purchase sites for new residential development and properties for re- development that meet our stringent return on investment criteria in the near and long term, and offer unique opportunities to maximize our talents and experience.

Identify and acquire income-producing commercial properties that meet our strict risk/return profiles and afford the opportunity for us to add significant value through asset enhancement and improved property management.


Differentiating Strengths
The disciplined risk-taking philosophy and successful track record of CEO

Jon Hendel and the company’s management team.

Careful, hands-on operational style, development creativity, meticulous planning, strict attention to detail, sensitivity to changes in market conditions, rigorous real-time financial reporting, sales and leasing, marketing, construction, and property management.


Acquisition Objectives

Actively seeking to acquire and operate strategically located income-producing commercial office properties priced at up to $100 million in the New York Metropolitan Area. Properties under consideration must also meet TerraMax criteria for value- added capital appreciation through repositioning and improved asset management and offer above market equity return profiles.

Aggressively in the market for land parcels ideally suited for commercial or residential development that offer potential for opportunistic returns at an acceptable risk.

TerraMax invites equity participation in assets under consideration, as well as strategic partnerships that further our long-term goals.

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